I don't want to be a bother As we age our bodies don’t function with the same ease they once did. This can be a slow and insidious process or a sudden shock after an accident or illness. Over time we start finding some things aren’t as easy to do as they used to be, like:
Many of us stop doing things because it’s too hard and having to ask others to do or help with these tasks can be frustrating, inconvenient and embarrassing. Many of us don’t want to ask for help as we ‘don’t want to be a bother’and we leave seeking help until we get into difficulty. We may struggle alone at home with little knowledge of the help available to assist our independence. Feeling as if you are relying on family can make you feel like a burden and we want time with family to be precious and enjoyable, not a chore. You don’t have to struggle alone professional advice is available to help you maintain your freedom and avoid an unnecessary crisis. key turner tap turner electric plug puller
If you, or anyone you know, is struggling to maintain their independence and confidence Therapy Professionals friendly therapists can help to make life easier. They will suggest adapting your home or lifestyle, recommending alternative ways of doing things or giving tips on useful gadgets and equipment. You don’t have to struggle alone, we can help, we come to you. Just contact us at Therapy Professionals Ltd PO Box 7807, Christchurch Phone: 03 377 5280 Email: [email protected] Website: www.therapyprofessionals.co.nz Building or Refurbishing your Buildings - Advice for Residential Facilities Keeping your clients and staff safe, keeps your business safe. Planning for a safe, workable environment is cost effective. Getting the design or redesign of your building wrong can cost a lot in:
It is more cost effective to get your building future proofed while under construction. Our Therapists have seen some very expensive mistakes made over the years and recommend you consider the following:
Architects, project managers and building companies are great at the big picture of a building, however they don’t understand the complexities of the work you do. For a small cost an Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist can help refine a design to ensure the environment will work effectively and safely for your staff and residents. This small investment could save you thousands of dollars in remediation and disruption to your business. Our friendly Physio and Occupational Therapists are available to give you advice, just contact us at Therapy Professionals. Phone: (03) 377 5280 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.therapyprofessionals.co.nz Handwriting is Crucial for Development For most of us handwriting is a task we take for granted. We don’t consider how much goes in to it, nor do we think about the implications of not mastering this skill. Handwriting is a complex process. It involves:
Today with technology we increasingly use typing in place of handwriting. Although typing and technology are useful tools handwriting has many benefits. According to research three areas of the brain light up in a highly coordinated way when a person is handwriting and no such activity is observed with typing. The physical act of handwriting helps improve:
Children who struggle to write by hand often avoid it or are encouraged to type instead. Unfortunately they then miss out on all the benefits derived from handwriting and from gaining help for the underlining cause of their difficulty, which may include problems with:
These functions are necessary for many other life skills and activities, eg tying shoe laces, using a knife and fork, dressing and grooming Occupational Therapists are experts in improving handwriting and hand skills. If you know a child who is struggling with their handwriting contact us at Therapy Professionals as our friendly Occupational Therapist can help. Just contact us: Phone: 03 377 5280 Email: [email protected] Website:: www.therapyprofessionals.co.nz Falls and Eyesight Currently, one in seven New Zealanders are 65 and over. Around 30% to 60% of people in this age group have a fall each year. And 10% to 20% will end up in hospital with a fracture. Those over the age of 85 are 15 times more likely to fracture their hip in a fall than a 65-year-old. Hip fractures can have a huge impact, with 30% of those over 85 who suffer one requiring placement in aged residential care. Research shows there is a link between poor eyesight and falls in older people. As we age most of us will become long sighted (presbyopia), making it hard to focus on things close up and we’re slower to adjust to light. This is because the muscles of the eye lens harden. Eventually we will all need glasses. Other age related eye conditions that contribute to falls are cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. Some tips to prevent falls associated with eyesight issues:
Follow this advice and you will help to reduce the chances of falling. For other tips on falls prevention check out these links: http://www.therapyprofessionals.co.nz/uploads/4/9/5/2/49523375/be_aware_of_your_feet.pdf http://www.therapyprofessionals.co.nz/uploads/4/9/5/2/49523375/getting_yourself_up_from_the_floor._.pdf http://www.therapyprofessionals.co.nz/uploads/4/9/5/2/49523375/footwear_matters__.pdf http://www.therapyprofessionals.co.nz/uploads/4/9/5/2/49523375/to__exercise_or_not_to_exercise_.pdf http://www.therapyprofessionals.co.nz/uploads/4/9/5/2/49523375/hpme_gym.pdf For more information and advice on preventing falls our friendly Physiotherapists can help, just contact Therapy Professionals : Phone: 3877 5280 Fax: 03 377 5281 Email: [email protected] www.therapyprofessionals.co.nz Do you need a walking stick? You may benefit from using a walking stick If you feel:
or when you want to walk further than usual. Using a walking stick is not a sign of ‘giving in’ and can often be used as a temporary measure to keep you safe and relieve the pain of sore joints. Choosing a walking stick:
Using a walking stick correctly:
- Going down, the stick goes first, and then the sore leg and the good leg last Compiled for you by our physiotherapists If you need more advice on how to choose the correct walking stick, just contact us at Therapy Professionals our friendly physiotherapists can help. Phone: 3877 5280 Fax: 03 377 5281 Website: www.therapyprofessionals.co.nz Email: [email protected] |
AuthorShonagh O'Hagan Archives
January 2025