Beat morning stiffness If you have arthritis you will probably find it difficult to get moving in the mornings. You’re not alone. Early morning stiffness in the joints is common for people with Arthritis. It pays to wake your joints and muscles up slowly before you rise in the morning. Our friendly Physiotherapists suggest you try this daily routine before getting up in the morning Do each of these exercises 6 times in this order. While still in bed: 1. Wiggle our feet up and down vigorously. 2. Bend your legs up and down, one at a time 3. With both sides bent, rock gently from side to side. 4. Stretch both arms above your head (if necessary help weaker arm with stronger one) 5. Lie on your back with knees bent, lift your bottom off the bed While sitting on the edge of the bed: 6. Straighten each leg one at a time. 7. Tuck chin in gently turn your head to look over your right shoulder. Repeat on your other side. Get onto your feet, PAUSE, and get your balance before continuing with your day.
These exercises will help your joints and muscles ease into the day. Take it easy when you change from lying to sitting or sitting to standing as you may experience dizziness which can result from rapid changes of position – lying to standing or sitting to standing. Make a point of moving regularly during the day and even better join one of our Arthritis exercise classes. To find out where they are contact our office.. If you wish to have some additional advice on managing your Arthritis our friendly Physio’s can help. Just contact us: Ph: 03 3775280 Email: [email protected] Compiled for you by our friendly physio’s. Therapy Professionals Ltd, PO Box 7807, Christchurch 8240 Phone: (03) 377 5280 Fax: (03) 377 5281 Email: [email protected] Website: Comments are closed.
AuthorShonagh O'Hagan Archives
January 2025