Update from the Ministry for Disabled People Establishment Unit It’s been a busy month at the Ministry for Disabled People Establishment Unit (EU) with just a few weeks to go before the new Ministry goes live on 1 July. The EU team is working hard on ensuring that the disability support services people receive will continue without disruption, that staff are in place for day one as well as all the foundation work required to start a Ministry. Name of the new Ministry The new Ministry will have three names – an English name, a te reo Māori name, and a NZSL name. Thanks to those of you who took part in the consultation for the new Ministry's name. The consultation process has now closed and the EU will provide an update on this soon. Further engagement opportunities Keep an eye on the EU’s engagement platform and Facebook page so you can continue to have your say on a range of topics or give them your ideas on the ideas wall. The EU is also working on other formats for you to connect with them including freepost, 0800, SMS, stakeholder networks and face to face. They‘re also planning to use public spaces (such as libraries) and create informative brochures and posters to help people find out about and connect with the new Ministry. Feel free to contact the EU if you would like copies of this material. Looking to the future From 1 July under the new Chief Executive of the Ministry will:
The exact details under each of these headings will be the role of the new Ministry under the leadership of the new Chief Executive. The appointment of this vital role is being managed by the Public Service Commission and it is understood this has been going well and they will be ready to appoint someone by the time the new Ministry starts in July. The EU encourages all our important community members to give feedback on the future Ministry’s work in whatever format you find easiest. Please see below for all the ways currently available – the EU plans to have further options in the coming weeks.
Reference Disability Directorate of the Ministry of Health. Update https://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/disability-services/disability-publications/disability-directorate-newsletter Comments are closed.
AuthorShonagh O'Hagan Archives
January 2025